Thursday, 21 March 2013

21st March 2013  8p.m

                                                            The  Saddest Day Ever

          Tonight, we filled the form of survey on the students' perceptions, interactions and writing proficiency in call through reflective journal on blogs that given by Miss Zu. Well in the form actually is reflect to our blog. For me personally bLogging it is good on how to improve our english grammar. After that, we discussed about example of term paper. I'am still slow on how to do it but i just stick to the flow  on how to answer it.

         Now let me tell you about the saddest moment that we been through tonight , As we know tonight was the last day we met Miss Zu because final examination is about around the corner and we have to end it tonight. Not only end for BEL 311 but it is also the last day for all of us to be together, having a junk food together and laugh. I can't stand to see all of my friend's face because they shows grieve face on the our last meeting.

     The Good news about tonight is, i don't need to update any BEL311's blog anymore booyyyaahhhh
Bye-bye Miss Zu
Farewell Friends
R.I.P miserable work

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

13rd March 2013 4P.m

                                             How to make Arguementative essay??

             Today we learned about arguementative essay but how to  differentiate it with other term paper essay?? Its easy just  find the word of '' should be" in the question. Easy isn't it?

Then we moved how to make thesis statement:
1) must clearly states which side you are for:
  - for example: curfew laws are unfair and should be abolished  in public universities. Writer is disagree because there is unpleasant word as underlined.

            Then Miss Zu asked us to make our own thesis statement. Below is the example of mine and my friend's:
                                         My thesis statement and stand for agree:
Organ donation should be encouraged among Malaysian. Due to the various negative impacts especially in term of health condition of donors will be affected after the donation, there are strong claims that organ donation should be encouraged among Malaysian people as a noble action.

                                     Sarah's Thesis statement and stand for agree:
Although organ donation brings negative perception towards Malaysian society, there are strong evidence   that organ donation should be encouraged among Malaysian to give a second chance to the patience.

                                        Bariah's thesis statement and stand for agree:
 Despite the claim that donation is seen as a noble action and gives benefit towards people who needed organ donation should not be encouraged among Malaysian because it can affect not only the donors but as well as the  donor's family.

                    After what we saw the description how to make arguementative essay, Miss Zu said to make one but this time we gotta do individually and submit it on next week. You know what, this is crazy because this week we about going to crazy think about a lot of test a head of us, then today Miss Zu added up this crazy essay. Hell no..

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

12nd  March 2013

                                            NO CLASS BUT I ATTEND TO CLASS. wHy!!!??

           Yesterday Miss Zu said tomorrow class is cancelled but i forgot to make a reminder as a result i forgot and i came to the class.. I opened the door and everybody wasn't there. Then, i remember what Miss Zu said yesterday due half of class want to go to PERSADA. What the hell does PERSADA mean, y'all??. . Then, at night somebody reminded the whole class to complete the blog. I heard that then lets get this thing done.

11st March 2013 2p.m

                                                             Practice Speaking test

                 Today, Miss Zu  carried out another speaking practice that comprised Rozita, Adibah,  Syafiqah and Wasim . This practice really essential for us before we do the real speaking test within this week. As we realized time didin’t allow us to do more practice infront everybody, therefore we carried out by ourselves immediately after Miss Zu gone back home but we gotta do this fast. At last ours is done by the commitment given by my group that comprised Nadia Zamri and Hakimah but Hakimah was absent yesterday ..
        This task is Quite challenging to me but I more like to speak rather than writing and typing an essay.  
6 March 2013 4p.m

                                                       FORMAT OF SPEAKING TEST      

                       Today  Miss Zu gave us the speaking test format. Therefore, she proposed to use speaking test like in Bel260 where the candidates can present their point at the first round, Second round they can oppose other candidate opinion and pick the best the one. Below are the format that i got.

1) read the question for 1 minute.

2) You are given 5minutes to prepare your points to support or oppose the other   candidate's view.
3)  your group is given 20 minutes for discussion.
4) take note down while the other candidates present their point for arguement purpose.
5) After you listened, try to reduce decision which is the best. Everyone must make their own conclusion.

                                   NIGHT CLASS

              Tonight is replacement class for our previous class which Miss Zu called it off this before . Today was the day . Tonight Miss Zu taught us about comparison or contrast before that you need to understand the basic of comparison or contrast first. well its easy you can compare 2 equal items and next decide if you want to compare and contrast. It so easy when Miss Zu showed us what is Venn Diagram

and taught us more detail about Venn diagram

5 March 2013 4p.m

                                        Example of speaking test

       Today Miss Zu carried out speaking practice again for preparation real speaking test next week. Firstly, she divided us into several groups. My group is only Hakimah, Nadia Zamri and me. After she explained about speaking test, she choose Ana's group as example for speaking test next week. The title that given was about "Malaysian are generally not punctual and this bad habit is often seen when they attend formal functions. However, punctually is a good habit should be cultivated. Discuss ways Malaysian can overcome this problem of being habitually late. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s)".
For speaking test BEL 311, we only given 1 minute to read the question, 5 minutes to write your own point and 20 minutes for discussion. After speaking practice ended, Miss Zu discussed about the mark given to Ana's group. Before class ended, Miss Zu give us 6 set of questions of speaking test last semester. She asked us to practice by our own in the weekend. So, they are topic that Miss Zu gave us:

SET 1:

Malaysian are generally not punctual and this bad habit is often seen when they attend formal functions. However, punctually is a good habit should be cultivated. Discuss ways Malaysian can overcome this problem of being habitually late. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

SET 2:
Many obese people go for plastic surgery to improve their appearance. However, there are many dangers in doing this. Discuss ways obese people can improve their appearance without going for plastic surgery. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

SET 3:
To have good and caring neighbours is important in maintaining peace and harmony in the neighbourhood. However, caring neighbours are becoming scarce today. Discuss ways to foster good relationship among neighbours. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

SET 4:
There is an increasing number of homeless and runaway youths today. It has been found that among the causes of this are the high rates of physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and parental rejection. Discuss how this problem can be resolved. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

SET 5:
Today an increasing of elderly people live alone and care for themselves without any help from their children. Suggest ways society can help them. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

SET 6:
Many drug addicts take drugs and commit crimes again after they are released from prison or rehabilitation centres. Discuss reasons for such repeat offences and suggest ways to prevent them from happening. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

4 March 2013 2P.M 


         Today we enjoyed watching the forum from the last group. Their topic was about   "You are member of the Malaysian Nature Society. The members feel that pollution, caused by plastic bags in Malaysia, is increasing. How can the use of plastic bags in shopping complexes and supermarkets be reduced? Suggest few practical ways to solve the problem. Give reasons for your choice"  

      Quite funny y'all when Faiz Othman is become Chinese Prime Minister hahaha.. you had do a good job make us laugh before we study seriously. After Sarah group done for their forum, Miss Zu give our class a piece of pink paper, blue paper, brown paper. It has 2 pages which are self-editing and peer editing. Today, Miss Zu want to us do self-editing. But Fikri and I  were busy in editing the references.  The reference really make us pissed off y'all. How to arrange that thing?? It took 20 minutes to justify the reference. I was like in hell man while i doing all do that damn reference. Miss Zu why this thing needs to be so detail??  


27 February 2013 4p.m

                                                      W.T.F..  wHat ThE fOruM??

Today was my best day due to my most favourite activity that called Forum. Well this is the part of speaking practice before we do the real speaking test soon. Miss Zu called up the first group to carry out the forum. So, my team was the first. I felt nervous at the first time. Our title was about   "The Cost of things has sky-rocketed over the last five years. Managing our finances is becoming more and more difficult. Discuss the reasons for the 
price increases and suggest some solutions to this problem"

When the host asked me a question, i just answer the question like normal people but today it was little bit different when i felt so nervous then my whole finger shivering and what the funny thing happened to me was i changed my english accent like American black people all of a sudden. "What the hell is going in here??" i just talk to myself to reduce my nervous before it become worst.

Miss Zu asked us to pick who was the panel and the host. So, i picked Syafiqah Salleh as the best panel and  Mr. Fikri Don't To Much as the best host in house y'all. Good job. 



26 February 2013 4p.m

                                      Making a Reference of Term Paper

    Today  Miss Zu taught us about how to make reference. She said to refer in the textbook at page 69 and 70 and she said put at least 5. I'am so lucky because i only got 5 in our information retrieved. Here i put the 5 references that Fikri and I did together.

Hibbert K. ( 2006 May, 21st ) Baby hatch. Retrieved on March 3rd, 2013, from         / baby_hatch

Looi, S  ( 2010, December 28) Ipoh gets Malaysia’s first baby hatch.                            Retrieved March 3rd , 2013, from                                                                         http:/              822086930? Accounted=42518

Nuraina S.( 2012, July 6) National baby hatches plan. Retrieved on March 3rd ,                        2013, from file:///F: / baby hatch/newspaper  bh.htm

Shanti G. ( 2012 November, 4th ) Baby hatches to open in Kota Bharu and                 Johor Baru. Retrieved on March 3rd, 2013, from  file:///F: / baby                        hatch/newspaper  bh.htm

Vichy Government ( 1941 September, 2nd ) Protection of birth. Retrieved on                March 3rd 2013, from / baby_hatch.

      After Miss Zu had done explained about references, we are going to do speaking practice. She divided to 6 groups. My group is Adibah,  We got a simplest title that was about"The Cost of things has sky-rocketed over the last five years. Managing our finances is becoming more and more difficult. Discuss the reasons for the price increases and suggest some solutions to this problem". Quite easy, ai'nt it?
  . Miss Zu gives 30 minutes to discuss a forum. Then, Miss Zu said " we are going to continue the forum at tomorrow class because don't have a time". That's all for today. See you tomorrow.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

25th February 2013

                                                 Comment the Other's Outline  

        Today  we brought our laptop to comment the other's outline as what Miss Zu told us last week. I love to do this because i like to see what the other's mistake on their outline but in reality is ours is quite very bad when Miss Zu handed out our outline. Fikri and I expected to get high marks, apparently not. We got below 4 over 5. Therefore, we have to make a correction.