Tuesday, 1 January 2013

1 Jan 2013 4p.m

                              Discuss about the answer of Phrapasing
                        Today we were discussed the homework that Miss Zu gave to us yesterday about ''Pharapasing" then Miss Zu just picked several persons randomly among us to read their answer. She knew that we are visual learner therefore she asked Wasim and Syafiqah not to read their answer but write their answer on the white board. After that, Miss Zu proceeded to new topic " Summarising''.
I think it is easier than pharapasing which is quite tedious, hard and difficult to do but summarising i bet it's not.

                          Since i have nothing to gripe on this blog for today so i want to pen off.. Bye-bye


  1. since when shafiqah did the exersices on white board..wawa did it la..

    1. since i forgot her name..so i just put anyone's name to complete the blog..please don't tell her 'bout this
